Light of Our Homes


                           Motherhood is one of the hardest roles in human beings. Mother’s Day is celebrated to express respect, honor, and love towards mothers. The day is an event to honor the contribution of mothers, acknowledge the efforts of maternal bonds and the role of mothers in our society.


                          It is observed in different forms throughout the world. In Thailand, Mother’s Day is always celebrated in August on the birthday of the current queen, Sirikit. Another alternate observance of Mother’s Day can be found in Ethiopia, where families gather each fall to sing songs and eat a large feast as part of Antrosht, a multi-day celebration honoring motherhood. In the United States, Mother’s Day continues to be celebrated by presenting mothers and other women with gifts and flowers, and it has become one of the biggest holidays for consumer spending. Families also celebrate by giving mothers a day off from activities like cooking or other household chores.

                       We celebrated it in our homes since it is not advisable to go out. We simply cooked dinner and enjoy the night. Simple celebrations are very meaningful as long as you give importance to your mother. It is a day which makes people remember the importance and significance of mothers in their life and is observed as a day to give special emphasis to the motherly figures around the world.


                       Mother’s Day is important since we pay tribute and give love to our mothers all around the world. Even if it’s not Mother’s Day let us still show love and appreciation to the light of our homes. Showing how important they are in this world can make them inspired to continue doing what they love to do.



  1. Hey! I like the content of your blog. Keep safe and God bless!


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