Empire of Women (Thematic)

             Empowering women can be fully achieved by addressing issues and concerns they face every day. National Women’s Month can also be an alarm for inclusive actions towards gender equality. It is who can build an intellectual empire to encourage and empower women.

                  It may be described in a variety of ways, including respecting women's perspectives or making a desire to reach them. Elevating women's position towards education, awareness, literacy, and training. They have the chance to reinterpret gender norms and other similar responsibilities, which may provide them maximum choice to pursue desired goals. Women empowerment has the authority to raise consciousness not only to their struggles as women but also on how they can relate it to political and economic issues.  Implement supply chain, marketing practices, and enterprise development that empower women.  It is also those who measure and report publicly on the progress that creates gender equality. Women have helped a lot of other women to speak up and empower them. A basic human right is gender equality, it is one of the keys to having a peaceful world. Since society looks up to women as less valuable than men, women create a reason to eradicate that standard. Successfully during these years, many voices have spoken up, women issues and other gender awareness development has been highlighted. 

                 Women empowerment simply means to have peace not only as one but as a whole population of women. The mission and vision to empower each and every one can make a better change. Human rights can be justified through women who is capable of speaking up for their struggles. It also creates an empire of women who seeks justice and peace for their well-being.

Source: https://www.worldvision.com.au/womens-empowerment/


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