Act to Survive

                          Environmental issues are one of the most important issues to look out for. Through the years we caused a lot of damage to our ecosystem. Ecosystems are defined as the interaction between living organisms - plants, animals, people - with their surroundings. This includes nature, but also human-made systems such as cities or farms. Mostly we depend on our survival in a healthy ecosystem.                        

                            Forests have been decreasing their coverage lately. In the last century, we almost had destroyed half of our wetlands. A lot of animals and plants were endangered and going extinct. Global greenhouse gas emissions have grown for three consecutive years and the planet is at one pace for potentially catastrophic climate change. When the Covid-19 pandemic has begun, the effects of disastrous environmental loss have been shown to the public. With these issues, World Environment Day 2021 focuses on restoration with the theme of “Reimagine. Recreate.Restore.” We need to restore all that was lost and make a better change that can be sustained through the years.

        To start off make sure that we are enlightened by the cause and effect of these issues. A good lecture or seminar conducted virtually or personally but with distance is a great way to enlighten each and every one. By simply planting trees whether it is conducted by an organization or in your households. We should also replace trees when we cut them in order to sustain their availability. Another example is cleaning your place, avoid also the emission of polluted gases. Clean up also the trashes within the coastal line, drainage system, and other places which causes a flood. Avoid using harmful chemicals and illegal practices to protect our ecosystem. 

                          Within these actions, we can restore what we have lost during the years. It is for our safety and also the safety of our ecosystem. I encourage each and every human on this earth to take part in restoring our ecosystem. Worl Environment Day is a great way to save our dying planet.  It is our responsibility to take care of what has God given to us. If we will not choose to change the negative to positive, the chances of surviving are low. Take action before it's too late, if we won't start now, when will we?

Sources: Retrieved on June 28, 2021., Retrieved on June 28, 2021., Retrieved on June 28, 2021.


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