An End to a Pandemic



Since COVID-19 cases are rising every single day, it needs a solution. Safety protocols itself are really helpful but it is not enough to end and prevent the spread of the virus. COVID-19 vaccines from different manufacturers were presented and currently being used today. There are some manufacturers of COVID-19 vaccines wherein countries do not trust that much. Before bringing the public of the vaccines it is clinically tested in order to show that it is effective. People tend to refuse to get vaccinated because of fear but it’s their choice and health always matters.

                  Every year, vaccines save millions of lives. Vaccines function by teaching and preparing the body's natural defenses, the immune system, to recognize and combat the viruses and bacteria they are designed to combat. If the body is later exposed to those disease-causing microorganisms after vaccination, the body is ready to kill them right away, preventing illness. The following vaccinations against COVID-19 has been found to meet the requisite safety and efficacy standards as of April 8, 2021, according to WHO. Vaccines from AstraZeneca/Oxford, Johnson and Johnson, Moderna, and Pfizer/BionTech.

                     It is critical to get vaccinated as soon as possible as your turn comes up. Although no vaccination is 100 percent protective, approved COVID-19 vaccinations offer a high level of protection against becoming extremely ill and dying from the disease.  The COVID-19 vaccination is safe for most persons aged 18 and up, including those with any type of pre-existing ailment, including auto-immune illnesses. After getting vaccinated you may experience some minor side effects

                     I think we can trust the safety of vaccines as long as it is proven and tested by health officials or organizations. We should look for information about the COVID-19 vaccines. It is important to have protection rather than having nothing at all. I encourage each and every one to get vaccinated and be safe.



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