A Gem of Concern



             Empowering women can be fully achieved by addressing issues and concerns they face every day. National Women’s Month can also be an alarm for inclusive actions towards gender equality.

               On March 19, 1911, Women’s Day was celebrated but unfortunately, it led to an accident which causes the date to be moved. This brought to light the unequal labor practices and cruel working conditions that women face, prompting a number of protests. The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution in December 1977 declaring a UN Day for Women's Rights and International Peace, to be observed by the Member States on every day of the year, in accordance with their historical and national traditions. This will site 12 critical areas of concern to protect women from occurring these concerns. It is celebrated yearly, a lot of LGU’s were most likely to post on a lot of platforms for us to be informed. This celebration also promotes women and girls to contribute to promoting gender equality and the empowerment of all women. Activities are also observed during this day. I saw a campaign last month which has a Covid-19 pandemic-themed poster. This year’s celebration emphasizes women’s contribution to the fight against pandemic. Raise awareness of gender problems became more apparent during the health crisis, to share information about support services and government initiatives that resolve women's issues and concerns.

            Women’s Day is clearly a campaign that resolves a lot of concerns that women have to face. Time passes by I can clearly see that our generation is helping a lot regarding gender equality issues. The impact of this pandemic on highlighting underrated issues is quite impressive. Let us stop gender-defining roles and imply equal treatment to all. No human gender is superior only God can be.

Resources/s: https://pcw.gov.ph/assets/files/2021/02/Womens-empowerment-500x500.jpg




  1. I totally agree with you that our generation is a great help in trying to finally eradicate the unfair treatment we get, along with empowering each other regardless of our differences. You're blog is very great! All the best, have a good day.

  2. Hi Kristien, the content of your essay is so informative. Also, its persuasive. I really like it!

  3. I strongly agree with the thoughts that you have mentioned. Great blog Ms. Bajet!


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