Nourishing Knowledge


                         I learned how to identify web standards and compare two kinds of tags. I understand also the concept of using HTML. Now I know how to create an HTML file and to describe the tags used in the file. I also learned about the HTML heading tags and Stand Alone tags. I applied my knowledge in basic HTML Formatting tags in creating HTML files. The use of alignment, links, and hyperlinks are also been added to my knowledge. Lastly are the frames and tables, applying what I have learned in the module.

                      I had encountered challenges which are difficulty in understanding what is written in the module. The overexposure to my laptop because of typing it makes my eyes hurt. Sometimes the internet doesn't work also and lastly difficulty in processing what I have learned. Through these challenges, I found a way on how to deal with them. I ask for help if I don't understand what's written in the module. The web also helps me with what I lack the most. I go over the lesson if there's anything I couldn't understand.

                     Moving on, I will keep improving myself until all these challenges are manageable. Improvement is one step forward to accomplishment. With the help of my teacher and all the people around me, I will make all the tasks correctly. I'm looking forward to the remaining lessons this school year. I'll try to understand what's new to me, I will because I can.



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