New Normal Fiesta



                           Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, lots of conflicts were encountered but that doesn’t mean traditions can be ceased. People tend to get excited because this is what they’re waiting for.

                           Vigan City Fiesta celebration is held every January 25 to celebrate the conversion of St. Paul the Apostle. The fiesta lasts for several days. Before the pandemic, a huge amount of people come and celebrate during the fiesta. Many events, shows, and even activities are established during the celebration. This is to showcase traditional crafts, food, and other products of Vigan.

 Celebrating fiesta amidst pandemic is hard for each and every one. They made a new normal to celebrate the fiesta. Some are virtually held while others were face to face. In face to face, with the help of the officials, they were able to build an establishment. Safety protocols are still implemented and observed upon visiting. Vendors and businesses are highly affected because limited people can only visit. It has a high impact on their income and expenses.

                           Traditions should not stop despite challenges in this world. There’s always a safer way in order to celebrate. Let’s be thankful and worship all the time. Endure this moment, sooner or later we can go back to where we used to live normally.



  1. Hi Kristien! I agree on what you said that the traditions should be continue amidst challenges. Great Job!

  2. Tradition is our trademark, so indeed, traditions should not stop despite challenges. It may be held in a different way but still more important is we celebrated and never forget about it. Keep safe!

  3. Hey Ms. Bajet! I strongly agree with the thoughts that you have stated. Job well done! Stay safe and God bless!

  4. Hi Kristien! Your blog is simple but meaningful. We are known in this traditions so we should not stop. God bless.

  5. I love the message in the blog and the images are nice! Great Job!


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