Change for the Good




                        The year 2020 is over, in this year there were many events that happen which we did not expect. All of our plans and resolutions didn’t go as well as it is. Many realizations, struggles, and challenges have done through this year. As they said, 2021 is a year of change well obviously every year we have a goal to change within our self. It is also the year of healing according to social media, but I’m not sure about that because there is a new variant virus.


                          This year 2021, I want to improve myself in terms of communicating and connecting to other people. I tend to get shy at first and it takes a lot of time for me to connect with them. I want to change my bad habits, like being lazy all the time.  Procrastinating to everything and unhealthy sleeping. I would like to minimize my unhealthy eating habits because I’m gaining weight way more than I expected. During this quarantine period, I got used to staying on social media till midnight and play games until morning. I want to change that routine of mine even though we’re staying at home. I will promise to myself that I will be doing more chores instead of lying in bed. I also want to lose weight and increase my knowledge capacity during this time.


                          These are the things that I want to change in myself. Last year was unpredictable and it causes damage to our lifestyle. Even if I can’t change these things as long as my desire will come true. My desire is for my family and the people around me can stay healthy till their last breath. I want to world to be healed also so that we can start living a normal life.



  1. As you said, all of our plans last year didn't go well. But I hope that you gained wisdom and knowledge from the things that you encountered. May you reach your goals for 2021. Have a blissful year ahead!

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  4. Hi Kristien!I hope you will achieve your goal and your desires.God bless!

  5. I hope God will give you the desire that you really want. I appreciate your concern on your family and the people around you to stay healthy at all cost. You’re a great person. Keep safe.

  6. I know that you will surely achieve your desired goals this year. Please be careful with your health and have a happy year to live.


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