Mobility in Earthquake


                  As a part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, we experienced a lot of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. We need to know what to do and be ready at all times. An earthquake drill is one of the most important practices to prevent death. Is this program really important? Let’s find out after all of these ideas.

                An earthquake is the shaking of the surface of the Earth resulting from a sudden release of energy in the Earth's lithosphere that creates seismic waves. Earthquakes can range in size from those that are so weak that they cannot be felt to those violent enough to propel objects and people into the air, and wreak destruction across entire cities. The seismicity, or seismic activity, of an area, is the frequency, type, and size of earthquakes experienced over a period of time. The word tremor is also used for non-earthquake seismic rumbling.

             An earthquake drill is a drill used to practice in preparation for an earthquake. Schools in some areas conduct earthquake drills. Stop, drop, and hold on is used during the drill. The essential components of earthquake drills are classroom discussions, demonstrations, and exercises designed to help students learn and practice where to seek shelter and how to protect their heads and bodies from objects. 

           Yes, it is important to take part in this National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill program. Insufficient knowledge about earthquakes can lead to loss of life that’s why we need to learn how to prevent this occurrence. Participate in every earthquake drill, be attentive, and discipline yourself. One wrong move and it can take your life away. It’s better to be prepared and informed rather than clueless.



  1. Your article is very detailed! From the definition of earthquakes to the importance of participating earthquake drills. It can persuade the readers to do it !

  2. I admire that you included the descriptions and definitions of earthquakes and earthquake drills, and also the importance of participating in the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill program. I, without a doubt, agree that we need to be educated on how we can survive during earthquakes for us to be safe. And we must always have preparedness plans for earthquakes that are unpredictable. Be safe and have a lovely day.

  3. The whole article is coherent, informational and has soundness. I like the way you pointed detailed points that are reliable and precise. It elaborates the topic well and explains the coverage about earthquake. I agree that National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill Program plays very important role in life and awareness and prevention are highly essential for survival. Great Work and Kudos

  4. Truly, we should participate in every earthquake drill, be attentive, and discipline ourselves. Because one wrong move and it can take our life away. It’s better to be prepared and informed rather than clueless. Also, your article was very informative, it is full of important details. All your ideas are well organized. All in all, your article was great. Good day!

  5. I like your thoughts regarding this matter since it is concise and clear. Keep on going!

  6. Your article is full of detailed information. I like how you included the importance of taking part in the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill. You elaborated the topic well and explained every detail with conciseness. Great work!


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