The Obligation


“The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders, and continually develops them”- John Maxwell. It is the president’s obligation to lead a country for success.

In his campaign before, he set a high goal on how he will rule the country. He vowed to the people many things but what strikes the minds of the people is his way of eradicating drugs. His image to the people was fearless which caught the attention of all. When he was elected as the new president, he surely did what he vowed during his campaign. But a few months later negative comments came out. The human rights law was ignored throughout the so-called “Philippine Drug War”. He also curses in front of the public which means disrespectful to me. Younger youth might be watching and may adopt his attitude. On this ongoing pandemic, the government doesn’t focus on the main issue of our country. They are prioritizing other issues which are not that important. The front-liners who are sacrificing themselves for other people are surely disappointed with the government. It is the president’s obligation to see the good of all terms.

I truly looked up to him because of his fearless and wise in every problem that he will face. His leadership was astonishing which inspires me to be a good leader. He commits a few mistakes but that’s ok, he’s also a human after all. He's been a great father to his family and mostly to our country. For me, he’s one of the greatest presidents we’d ever had. 




  1. The message was good it has a big impact to the readers, you can understand it very well. In the beginning the readers would not be bored because the message was so enticing from the start to the end. That is why I admire the person who wrote this.

  2. Your honesty in stating your own opinions doesn't make the person feel bad , it was mentioned in a good way. Despite of the criticisms of most people to the president , you still respect him.

  3. I like how you express your thoughts. I strongly agree with you when you said that he is one of the greatest president we had. I like how you still respect him despite of the negativities you had mentioned. God bless!

  4. There is a lot of information cited here in your blog. I felt the sincerity, it was really your opinion and no sugar-coating happens, I admire you for being straight forward. I agree with you that he is one of the greatest presidents we had because leading in this time of pandemic is never easy.

  5. Good day Kristien! You were very honest in stating what's going through your mind. Despite the criticism our president has been getting, you are still there to support him. Yes, may president made mistakes but he's also human. Making mistakes is normal for humanity after all. We all make mistakes, but I truly hope he had been reflecting to his mistakes, and hopefully he'll do better in the future. I truly hope you'll continue supporting on our president. Have a good day, Kristien!

  6. I felt your sincerity and support for the president in your blog. I admire you for being honest about your insights and opinions about our government and for being respectful despite all the criticisms he's receiving. We're all hoping for the best that he would be able to make our country rise again.

  7. You did a great job in expressing your opinions. I'm glad that you appreciate our president. Let's continue supporting him!


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